Online Therapy For Depression

Find The Path Out Of The Black Hole


There seems to be no way out of constantly feeling down…Hopelessness about the future….you just can’t put your finger on the why no matter how hard you try.

The constant feeling that things are bad and will stay this way and that horrible feeling never goes away.

 No matter how hard you try to do something about it, it just doesn't seem to work out.

It feels like you start your day and end it constantly feeling hopeless about things around you without motivation to do much. Now it seems like you are at the end of your tether. 

sad man
woman upset in her thoughts


  • “Why does nothing work out for me?”
  • “I am not good enough”
  • “Things will never change for me”
  • “Why can’t I just stop thinking negatively?”
  • “I just don’t want to be here’.
  • “I feel sad, but nothing big has happened to cause it .”

If you are feeling this way daily, then it can feel hopeless and exhausting. Like you are simply drained of all energy from being ‘constantly on’ worrying about everything, and it’s simply difficult to carry on this way.

 You know that you want to change things and feel better but just don’t know how. If things continue as they are, you are unable to live the kind of life you want. Life that is free of constantly feeling dread and worry, or being able to get everyday things done without questioning decisions, spending time with friends and family again which is preventing you from actually enjoying life.    

It might not feel like it right now but if you take the needed action then you can be on your way to that life that you desire.

Life can be completely different from how things are right now, when you have the right guide and advice.

Why do we feel depressed?

Everyone gets sad or down from time to time, and suffering is an inevitable part of life.

Sometimes Depression is just a result of being burned out and working too much, feeling as if it’s hard to keep up with all the demands of your life. Other times Depression started as a result of a major life event like a loss or a big transition.

Depression usually involves self-loathing or a loss of self-esteem. The feelings of sadness are constant.

People experience depression in different ways. It may interfere with your daily work, resulting in lost time and lower productivity. It can also influence relationships too.

This happens when we are constantly worried about how the future will not change and how things right now are hopeless.

We’re constantly fixating on things in the past. It makes sense that we then can’t actually enjoy anything in the present.

When we are experiencing our day like this, living with these fears, our body responds accordingly and we end up feeling drained and lethargic. We may not even be aware of this connection, maintaining our current struggles with mood

offering help to girl

I Am Here To Help...

Therapy helps to get to the bottom of what's really keeping you stuck, and figuring out how to actually create that life you desire.

Whether its a struggle with everyday tasks, sleep difficulties, inability to feel motivated about anything or being around people, we help to get to the bottom of the depression.

By understanding what’s going on and keeping us stuck, we can actually then work towards that version of our life we want.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the approach used to help you because it is the golden standard for treating Depression with the absolute highest success rates. CBT is also considered a short-term action based approach, so you don’t have to worry about being in therapy forever.

We start with the belief that low mood is driven by the way that you think and behave in a difficult situation. If you’re feeling depressed, you’re having related depressed thoughts, many of which aren’t true or based on realistic evaluations of your situation. 

After learning to recognise your thinking patterns, you will learn to apply skills to modify those unhealthy thinking patterns and behaviours to change the way you feel.

We understand that you want to feel ‘normal’ or get back to being your ‘old self’. 

  • We help you build-up your motivation and energy again
  • We also help you identify the things you’re no longer doing as a result of your Depression, and then help you find ways to start doing them again.
  • We help you increase your confidence and self-esteem
  • We help you cope with the daily demands e.g. Work/ Education
  • We help you find new ways of looking at your situation, which in turn changes the way you feel.
  • We help you get your sleep and diet back on track.
  • We help you repair the ways that Depression may have hurt your relationships. 
  • We also help you have a better awareness of your thoughts and feelings and to reconnect with your purpose in life.
  • We help you to learn to enjoy going out again.
  • (If needed) Create a plan to deal with thoughts of hurting yourself


At the end of your Depression treatment, you’ll walk away with a restored sense of worth and an ability to handle your life’s demands. You’ll have tools that you can continue using well beyond the end of therapy.

Some sadness in life is inevitable due to circumstances, but you don’t need to feel depressed to the extent that you are feeling alone, simple things are difficult to do and avoiding situations that you currently struggle with.

Enjoy everyday without the constant dread or negative thoughts. You can actually enjoy time out with friends instead of isolating. Get things done without feeling drained. Feel hope about the future once again and have the life you want.

peaceful man

It's Time For Change.

If you are ready to experience life without constantly battling with the depression, if you are ready to start living life in the way that you actually want, then I am ready to help you on your journey.

I understand that reaching out is the hardest part, but remember without this step you can’t experience life how you actually want.

I am looking forward to aiding you on your journey and helping you create the change you want.


There seems to be no way out of constantly feeling down…Hopelessness about the future….you just can’t put your finger on the why no matter how hard you try.

The constant feeling that things are bad and will stay this way and that horrible feeling never goes away.

 No matter how hard you try to do something about it, it just doesn't seem to work out.

It feels like you start your day and end it constantly feeling hopeless about things around you without motivation to do much. Now it seems like you are at the end of your tether. 

sad man


  • “Why does nothing work out for me?”
  • “I am not good enough”
  • “Things will never change for me”
  • “Why can’t I just stop thinking negatively?”
  • “I just don’t want to be here’.
  • “I feel sad, but nothing big has happened to cause it .”

If you are feeling this way daily, then it can feel hopeless and exhausting. Like you are simply drained of all energy from being ‘constantly on’ worrying about everything, and it’s simply difficult to carry on this way.

You know that you want to change things and feel better but just don’t know how. If things continue as they are, you are unable to live the kind of life you want. Life that is free of constantly feeling dread and worry, or being able to get everyday things done without questioning decisions, spending time with friends and family again which is preventing you from actually enjoying life.  

 It might not feel like it right now but if you take the needed action then you can be on your way to that life that you desire.

Life can be completely different from how things are right now, when you have the right guide and advice.

Why do we feel depressed?

Everyone gets sad or down from time to time, and suffering is an inevitable part of life.

Sometimes Depression is just a result of being burned out and working too much, feeling as if it’s hard to keep up with all the demands of your life. Other times Depression started as a result of a major life event like a loss or a big transition.

Depression usually involves self-loathing or a loss of self-esteem. The feelings of sadness are constant.

People experience depression in different ways. It may interfere with your daily work, resulting in lost time and lower productivity. It can also influence relationships too.

This happens when we are constantly worried about how the future will not change and how things right now are hopeless.

We’re constantly fixating on things in the past. It makes sense that we then can’t actually enjoy anything in the present.

When we are experiencing our day like this, living with these fears, our body responds accordingly and we end up feeling drained and lethargic. We may not even be aware of this connection, maintaining our current struggles with mood

offering help to girl

I Am Here To Help...

Therapy helps to get to the bottom of what's really keeping you stuck, and figuring out how to actually create that life you desire.

Whether its a struggle with everyday tasks, sleep difficulties, inability to feel motivated about anything or being around people, we help to get to the bottom of the depression.

By understanding what’s going on and keeping us stuck, we can actually then work towards that version of our life we want.

Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) is the approach used to help you because it is the golden standard for treating Depression with the absolute highest success rates. CBT is also considered a short-term action based approach, so you don’t have to worry about being in therapy forever.

We start with the belief that low mood is driven by the way that you think and behave in a difficult situation. If you’re feeling depressed, you’re having related depressed thoughts, many of which aren’t true or based on realistic evaluations of your situation. 

After learning to recognise your thinking patterns, you will learn to apply skills to modify those unhealthy thinking patterns and behaviours to change the way you feel.

We understand that you want to feel ‘normal’ or get back to being your ‘old self’. 

  • We help you build-up your motivation and energy again
  • We also help you identify the things you’re no longer doing as a result of your Depression, and then help you find ways to start doing them again.
  • We help you increase your confidence and self-esteem
  • We help you cope with the daily demands e.g. Work/ Education
  • We help you find new ways of looking at your situation, which in turn changes the way you feel.
  • We help you get your sleep and diet back on track.
  • We help you repair the ways that Depression may have hurt your relationships. 
  • We also help you have a better awareness of your thoughts and feelings and to reconnect with your purpose in life.
  • We help you to learn to enjoy going out again.
  • (If needed) Create a plan to deal with thoughts of hurting yourself
peaceful man


At the end of your Depression treatment, you’ll walk away with a restored sense of worth and an ability to handle your life’s demands. You’ll have tools that you can continue using well beyond the end of therapy.

Some sadness in life is inevitable due to circumstances, but you don’t need to feel depressed to the extent that you are feeling alone, simple things are difficult to do and avoiding situations that you currently struggle with.

Enjoy everyday without the constant dread or negative thoughts. You can actually enjoy time out with friends instead of isolating. Get things done without feeling drained. Feel hope about the future once again and have the life you want.

It's Time For Change.

If you are ready to experience life without constantly battling with the depression, if you are ready to start living life in the way that you actually want, then I am ready to help you on your journey.

I understand that reaching out is the hardest part, but remember without this step you can’t experience life how you actually want.

I am looking forward to aiding you on your journey and helping you create the change you want.

To get started, click the button below or give me a call at

(+44) 0121 517 0056, and let’s get begin on your journey!